Dec 3, 2011 | Airfields, Industry News
Carmanah CEO Bruce Cousins is surrounded by some of the company’s key products, including an aviation signal light, left, a lower-cost outdoor light, above his shoulder, and an aviation light, on the table. Photograph by: Darren Stone, Times Colonist, Times...
Feb 25, 2011 | Airfields, Industry News
By Sgt. Deanne Hurla, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (FWD) PATROL BASE TAALANDA, Afghanistan – As Afghan and coalition forces conduct operations in Helmand and Nimroz provinces, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) continues to support them by ensuring...
Jul 2, 2010 | Airfields, Industry News
RALEIGH – State transportation officials are scouting out general aviation airports in North Carolina from which they will pick one for a pilot project that would introduce enough new solar-power generation to power the facility’s airfield lights....