Apr 25, 2018 | Articles, Resources
FINDING THE RATIO OF ENERGY IN AND ENERGY OUT ARTICLE 2 of 4 | This is the second article in a series of four on understanding solar power. Click here to start from the beginning. When specifying solar-powered beacons for a project, it is important to know what...
Apr 25, 2018 | Articles, Resources
FACTORS AFFECTING ENERGY IN AND ENERGY OUT FOR SOLAR POWER BEACONS ARTICLE 1 of 4 | This is the first article in this series focusing on understanding solar power for traffic beacons and signs. Not all beacons are created equal. To ensure solar powered beacons...
Jul 19, 2017 | Articles, Resources
Every year since 2006, the National Complete Streets Coalition, which is a Smart Growth America program, releases The Best Complete Streets Policies report. It evaluates policies across all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia that provide a formal...
Oct 8, 2016 | Articles, Resources
Safety in school zones is paramount to a school district and the surrounding community, but for many districts, the challenge of managing a school zone beacon system can become time consuming and expensive, especially the task of ensuring that all of the beacons are...
Feb 18, 2016 | Articles, Resources
Proposed flashing signals for road crossings would help pedestrians, experts say Ramona Ruiz, ABU DHABI – Authorities should consider installing warning lights to make it safer for pedestrians to cross zebra crossings without traffic lights or a stop sign, experts...
Mar 1, 2010 | Articles, Resources
Radar SpeedCheck Signs Receive an A Grade for Slowing School Zone Traffic By John Dixon, Public Risk Magazine Police Sergeant Joseph Deignan admits he’s not the best driver on the road. As an officer within the traffic division for the city of Watertown, Mass.,...