cyclists on busy city street
February 05, 2019

FHWA Funding, TAP and Other Grant Sources for Your Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

5 Grant Sources for Your Traffic Safety Project For municipalities, finding funding for larger traffic safety infrastructure projects can be a challenge, especially if resources are already stretched thin. State and federal grants are often an attainable source of funding. While some are competitive and have many requirements to meet, others may be easier in […]
multi-modal transportation
February 05, 2019

Grant Application Process for Traffic Infrastructure

Apply for a Traffic Safety Project Grant in 7 Steps When it comes to infrastructure improvements in the community, the price tag can deter decisionmakers from considering bigger projects. With municipal budgets already stretched thin, there may not be enough to get the job done. State and federal funding can help fill the gaps. Requests […]
January 15, 2019

Finding Success with Vision Zero Traffic Safety Initiatives

The basics of Vision Zero Safety on our roads is not a new idea, but today’s Vision Zero initiatives aim to push communities further. What began in Sweden as a campaign to reduce or eliminate fatalities and serious injuries in traffic incidents is now a global movement that has inspired cities to improve safe mobility […]
November 20, 2018

What Is Traffic Calming?

Traffic calming is the use of physical road design and/or other measures to slow vehicles as they move through urban, commercial, and residential neighborhoods. It makes humans a priority over cars—a mental flip for many people who are used to the notion that streets are built for personal vehicles to travel on, and to do […]
palm trees in orlando florida
July 26, 2018

Spotlight on Orlando: Shifting from car-centric to multimodal design and mindset

Orlando, Florida, was built with car-centric transportation in mind. Learn what this metro area is doing to improve multi-modal transportation, and how Carmanah's solar flashing beacons can help.
Close up of a school crosswalk sign with a solar panel above it.
April 27, 2018

Specifying Solar Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons: Key Factors for Reliable Performance

Carmanah Technologies wrote the following for the IMSA Journal August 2014 IMSA Journal Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) are becoming an important part of the toolkit and a top choice for transportation professionals looking to improve vehicle yields rates, pedestrian service levels, and multi-modal transportation access at uncontrolled, marked crossings. As demand for solar RRFBs […]
rrfb in madera county california
April 27, 2018

When Yellow Means Stop: Deciphering RRFB Light Color

The studies have proven it: rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) work. Yield rates can be as high as 96% where RRFBs are installed. That’s a huge increase when yield rates are as low as 18% with a simple painted crosswalk. If RRFBs are working that effectively in one community, they must work in every community—right? […]
Request RRFB IA-21 Approval. Download our guidance letter infographic.
April 27, 2018


IA-11 is no longer valid: existing RRFBs installed under IA-11 may remain operating until the end of their useful serviceable life. RRFBs Are Back: How to Put Them in Action in Your State. Read More
r920 solar-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacon installed at a crosswalk
April 27, 2018

Carmanah Propels RRFB Technology Into the Open Market

Following the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) termination of the rectangular rapid flashing beacon’s (RRFB) interim approval in December 2017, Carmanah stepped up to help solve the issue. The news of both the termination and reinstatement of the RRFBs made national news due to the popularity of these safety systems. Extensive studies on RRFB technology, which uses […]
April 26, 2018

ITE, FHWA and Carmanah Work Together to Reinstate RRFBs

ITE, FHWA, and Carmanah Rally to Keep Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons in Our Safety Toolbox May 2018 ITE Journal Given that RRFB devices are proven to save lives at pedestrian crossings on uncontrolled approaches, with hundreds if not thousands of these devices not yet installed but part of active construction projects, ITE members had considerable interest and concern. ITE leadership […]