MX SeriesTM
School Zone Flashing Beacons & Warning Signs
Create a safe environment that encourages active transportation to and from school.
Even with reduced speed limits, roadways in and around schools are a dangerous place for pedestrians. According to the Transportation Research Board (TRB), more than 100 children are killed in school zones each year, and approximately 25,000 are injured.
While there are many factors influencing these numbers—congestion, obstructed visibility, limited crossings, distracted drivers and pedestrians—clearly communicated speed information is key to reducing them.
Carmanah’s MX Series school zone beacons take the guesswork out of school zone speeds, flashing only when reduced speeds are in effect. Agencies can easily manage their system settings and schedules locally or remotely, and can enable email and text alerts so they can have immediate awareness of critical safety issues.
School zones + connectivity:
R829-MX School Zone Flashing Beacons
Our newest MX Series School zone beacons take the already impressive capabilities of our best-selling R829 School zone beacons and dials them up a notch—or two.
Here’s what you get with an MX RRFB:
- 3 years of free remote connectivity
- Actionable email and text alerts
- Remote system access via MX Cloud™
- Quick setup and local access with MX Field App™
- ‘Smart module’ design for simple installation and richer data
- Solar Power Report (SPR) prepared for every location

Meets MUTCD Standards

Buy America / BABA compliant

3-year system warranty

Every MX system ships with 3 years free remote connectivity.
With MX, connectivity isn’t an add-on. We’ve embedded it into the hardware so that it automatically connects and reports to the cloud (and a free local app) the moment it receives power.
MX Lite
Get actionable alerts and a network-wide view of your systems.
3 Years Free | $79/year at year 4
Features (Core)
- Out-of-the-box connectivity
- System alerts (email/text)
- Remote asset management with GPS map view and more
MX Plus
Make changes to your system settings and access data from anywhere.
All MX Lite features and
- Remote programming
- Knockdown alerts
- Data Charting
- …and more
MX Pro
Create, edit and set schedules in bulk and on-the-fly.
All MX Plus features and
- Remote scheduling
- 5-year historical data
- Export functionality
- …and more

Get up to speed
Our free guide outlines current industry recommendations for establishing school zones using Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines. Learn about traffic control standards, including signage, pavement markings, and crossing supervision.

Common school zone problems and how beacons help
Our school zone flashing beacons take the guesswork out of school zone speeds, providing clear guidance for drivers and seamless management for signal technicians.
- Drivers don’t know when school zone speeds are in effect.
- Low-intensity beacons are hard to see, especially during the day.
- Schools have changeable schedules that can include unplanned events (e.g. snow days).
- Signal techs have to rely on local residents to report downed or non-functioning systems.
- School zone beacons can be programmed to flash only when school zone speeds are in effect.
- Our school zone flashing beacons use directional, high-intensity LEDs that are visible at all hours (SAE Standard J595, Class 1).
- MX Cloud software allows cities to make bulk changes to system schedules remotely.
- MX school zone beacons alert them to issues automatically, greatly improving response times and safety.
Remote scheduling for school beacons with MX Cloud
Scheduling school zone beacons doesn’t need to be a logistical nightmare. With Carmanah’s MX Series connected school zone beacons, you can add and adjust schedules with the click of a mouse from any device, anywhere.
Watch our school zone safety series
Making sure that drivers see, acknowledge, and obey school zone signs is vital to protecting young people making their way to and from school, no matter what mode of transportation they are using.
Our school zone safety series explores several solutions to help vehicle drivers reduce speed, pay attention to signs, and become more compliant in school zones.
Check out part 1 of our series on school zone flashing beacons:
Comprehensive school zone safety treatments
Flashing school zone beacons are the key safety tool for schools to slow down traffic. Additional products may be added that will also encourage drivers to take notice of signs and adjust their behavior.
School zones can contain:
Check your local requirements to determine compliant school zone safety options in your region.

See school zone flashing lights in action
We have completed installations across North America, including:
Additional resources for School Zone Flashing Beacons
Data Sheet
Download our R829-MX Data Sheet: School zone beacons take the already impressive capabilities of our best-selling R829 School zone beacons and dials them up a notch—or two.
Can Children Walk Around Your Town? Here are some ways to analyze walkability for children and address the issues you find with effective traffic safety products like beacons and signs.
Case Study
Safe Routes to School Program, Los Angeles: See how Carmanah’s school zone flashing beacons are helping encourage driver compliance when children are present.
Application Guide
School Zone Safety Application Guide: Our free guide outlines current industry recommendations for establishing school zones using Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines.
School Zone Safety, Part 1: Flashing Beacons and LED-Enhanced Signs— This video focuses on solutions that help drivers quickly identify when they’ve entered a school zone and when school zone speed limits are in effect.
Data Sheet
Download our R829-MX Data Sheet: School zone beacons take the already impressive capabilities of our best-selling R829 School zone beacons and dials them up a notch—or two.
Can Children Walk Around Your Town? Here are some ways to analyze walkability for children and address the issues you find with effective traffic safety products like beacons and signs.
Case Study
Safe Routes to School Program, Los Angeles: See how Carmanah’s school zone flashing beacons are helping encourage driver compliance when children are present.
Carmanah’s school zone flashing beacon products
Explore our school zone flashing beacon portfolio that helps enhance safety and visibility around school zones, keeping students and drivers alert and secure.
Connected, solar or AC-powered, school zone flashing beacons and signs.

R829-E (Gen 3)

R829-F (Gen 3)

R829-G (Gen 3)

Connected, solar or AC-powered, school zone flashing beacons and signs.

R829-E (Gen 3)

R829-F (Gen 3)

R829-G (Gen 3)

Get in touch
Have questions or need assistance? Connect with sales for product inquiries and quotes, support for technical issues, or visit the product support center for self-service resources.