YOUR SPEED Radar Speed Signs

SpeedCheck® Radar Speed Signs

Manage speed, save lives

Effective speed management is critical—crash severity increases with vehicle speed and weight. When static signs fail, radar speed signs offer a solution, reducing speeds by 5 to 9 mph and significantly lowering risks to pedestrians.


The number of pedestrians killed every year due to speeding.


The percentage of pedestrian fatalities that occur due to speeding.


The percentage chance of survival for a person hit by a car at 20 mph.


The percentage chance of survival for a person hit by a car at 40 mph.


Reducing speeds by 1 mph reduces the risk of injuries by 5%.

Radar Speed Signs: Best Practices for Placement and Use

Radar speed signs are MUTCD and Transport Canada-approved. They offer an effective, affordable, and low-maintenance alternative to sidewalks, traffic lights, or speed humps. Explore our free guide to discover best practices for placement and detection applications.

A digital "YOUR SPEED" radar speed sign with bright LEDs outdoors

Proving Radar Speed Signs work

Several studies have examined radar speed signs’ impact on driver behavior in the short and long term. In 2002, the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) undertook a four-month survey of seven sites where radar speed signs had been permanently installed, including a school zone, sharp horizonal curves, and approaches to signalized intersections. The findings indicated that radar speed signs reduced speeds by 9 mph in school zones within a week of installation, with this effect sustained for four months.

Carmanah’s Radar Speed Sign Product Portfolio


Connected, solar or AC-powered radar speed signs in 12- and 15-inch digits. Includes a free iOS/Android app and 3 years of free remote connectivity.



Classic radar speed sign model features 18-inch digits, essential for roads with higher speed limits.

carmanah speedcheck-18 radar speed sign with 45 digits


Classic radar speed sign model with 12-inch digits, can be powered by solar, AC or battery-only. 

speedcheck-12 radar speed sign product front view


Classic radar speed sign model with 15-inch digits and “SLOW DOWN” message. 

carmanah speedcheck-15 radar speed sign with 25 digits


Connected, solar or AC-powered radar speed signs in 12- and 15-inch digits. Includes a free iOS/Android app and 3 years of free remote connectivity.



Classic radar speed sign model features 18-inch digits, essential for roads with higher speed limits.

carmanah speedcheck-18 radar speed sign with 45 digits


Classic radar speed sign model with 12-inch digits, can be powered by solar, AC or battery-only. 

speedcheck-12 radar speed sign product front view


Classic radar speed sign model with 15-inch digits and “SLOW DOWN” message. 

carmanah speedcheck-15 radar speed sign with 25 digits

Get in touch

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