RRFB Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB)

Safe and frequent crossings are a key feature of walkable, livable communities—and not just at signalized intersections. Midblock crosswalks and marked crosswalks at roundabouts and other unsignalized locations can provide numerous safety benefits to pedestrians.


The number of pedestrians killed every year in motor vehicle crashes


The percentage of pedestrian fatalities that occur at non-intersections.


The percentage of people injured in vehicle crashes that were travelling on foot


The effectiveness of crosswalk paint alone at stopping drivers when a pedestrian is present.


The RRFB driver yield rate, according to the FHWA.

How and where to use an RRFB

RRFBs are one of the best and easiest ways to increase walkability in a community without significant infrastructure changes. Explore our free RRFB Application Guide to design the layout of your RRFBs in multiple road scenarios and learn where they are best used.

rrfb application guide thumbnail

RRFBs are a widely-used and highly effective treatment

driver yield rates at a midblock crosswalk rrfb effectiveness graph

Proving RRFBs work

A 2010 FHWA-sponsored study in St. Petersburg, Florida, examined several midblock crosswalks using RRFBs. The results from one test site:

  • Yield rate before the installation: 8.6%
  • Yield rate after the RRFB installation: 92%

Based on average prices for other crosswalk solutions, the RRFB is the most effective crosswalk solution, with the highest yield rate per dollar spent on the system.

A community toolkit for creating safer crossings

In support of citizens, local groups, and elected officials advocating for safer local roadways, we’ve compiled a step-by-step Crosswalk Safety Guide and toolkit. It’s our hope this guide makes the crucial work of pedestrian safety a little less confusing and a little easier to implement.

Additional Resources for RRFBs


Connected, solar or AC-powered, crosswalk flashing beacons and signs.

R920-MX RRFB Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon

R920-E (Gen 3)

Compact, 15w solar-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for crosswalks.

carmanah r920-e rectangular rapid flashing beacon (rrfb) flashing front view

R920-F (Gen 3)

Bright, 30w solar-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for busy crosswalks.

carmanah r920-f rectangular rapid flashing beacon rrfb

SC315-G (Gen 3)

Solar/AC-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for shaded/busy crosswalks.

carmanah sc315-g rectangular rapid flashing beacon rrfb


Connected, solar or AC-powered, crosswalk flashing beacons and signs.

R920-MX RRFB Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon

R920-E (Gen 3)

Compact, 15w solar-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for crosswalks.

carmanah r920-e rectangular rapid flashing beacon (rrfb) flashing front view

R920-F (Gen 3)

Bright, 30w solar-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for busy crosswalks.

carmanah r920-f rectangular rapid flashing beacon rrfb

SC315-G (Gen 3)

Solar/AC-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for shaded/busy crosswalks.

carmanah sc315-g rectangular rapid flashing beacon rrfb

Get in touch

Have questions or need assistance? Connect with sales for product inquiries and quotes, support for technical issues, or visit the product support center for self-service resources.

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