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February 19, 2016

Airfield lighting improves safety and economic development

Cory Brigham, Aviation Sales Representative for Carmanah Technologies, met with News Ghana in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of the Fourth Annual Africa Airport Expansion Summit which ended in Accra on Friday.   “It is possible to have airfield lighting at every airport; all your domestic airports, regional airports, and international airports.
February 18, 2016

Carmanah Featured in EDC Success Story

Take the risk out of shipping internationally   The Challenge Installed in some 110 markets worldwide, Carmanah Technologies’ self-contained solar LED solutions are  marking radio towers and mines; roads and school crosswalks; airport runways; and harbours and large marine structures such as wind farms, bridges, and oil and gas rigs, just to name a few. […]
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February 02, 2016

Carmanah Technologies highlighted in EDC article on international business

  15% more Canadian SMEs use EDC export guarantee in 2015 for international sales Export Guarantee Program surpasses CAD 1 billion mark   More than 630 small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) used Export Development Canada’s (EDC) Export Guarantee Program (EGP) in 2015, a 15 per cent increase over 2014. The increase was driven, in part, by an evolution in the EGP’s level of coverage.
January 28, 2016

Carmanah featured in ExportWise: Ready to Export: Are you innovating?

Ready to Export: Are you innovating? Companies that export are more innovative, productive, profitable, and protected from risk. This, the first in a four-part series, talks about how businesses that innovate and invest in R&D compete on the global stage. John Simmons is in a competitive business and he’s not just competing with other Canadians in his line of work — he’s competing with companies across the globe. Simmons is CEO of Carmanah, a solar technology company that provides LED lighting solutions — street lights, parking lot lights and pathway lights — to infrastructure, including marine aids for navigation and airfield for ground lighting. “We try to innovate so our solutions provide the best value for customers,” Simmons says. In other words, his technology gurus work hard to make sure their products are the safest, most robust and at the lowest possible price. “When we’re competing on the world stage, we’re up against competitors from a variety of countries,” Simmons said.
April 14, 2014

M850 Marine Lanterns Mark Brazilian Waterways

The Superintendencia de Portos e Hidrovias (SPH) has selected Carmanah M850 marine lanterns to mark 310 km of waterway between Porto Alegre and Porto de Rio Grande, Brazil. SPH has already acquired 33 lanterns, and is set to receive 99 more units. The M850 was selected for it's compact, low-maintenance solar-powered design, programmable flash pattern and energy efficient LED lens.  With range up to seven nautical miles (about 13 kilometers), the lantern meets the project requirements and has been approved by the Brazilian Navy.
January 21, 2014

Carmanah Receives Solar Outdoor Lighting Purchase Orders Valued at $1.5M USD

Carmanah Receives Solar Outdoor Lighting Purchase Orders Valued at $1.5M USD VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA (January 21, 2014) Carmanah Technologies Corporation (TSX: CMH) today announced that it has received purchase orders from a single customer for $1.5M USD for solar outdoor lights and hardware. Carmanah is making this disclosure as it has determined that these […]
August 02, 2013

Daily Astorian News Clipping: M708 Marine Lantern Installation

*/ Reprinted with permission from The Daily Astorian of Astoria, Oregon Coast Guard Constructs Navigation Aid in Astoria Oregon US Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Nate Littlejohn | Posted: Thursday, August 1, 2013 10:26 am Chief Petty Officer Kevin Bentle, officer in charge of Aids to Navigation Team Astoria, installs a light atop the new Cathlamet South Channel aid to navigation, just off Tongue Point June 19.
August 01, 2013

New partnership lights up airfields with advanced solar technology

     SEI Industries Ltd. and its sister company, Land-Sea Power Ltd., are delighted to announce a new partnership with Carmanah Technologies Corporation – maker of an advanced product line of airfield lighting.     Effective immediately, SEI and Land-Sea Power Ltd. will represent Carmanah solar aviation and obstruction lighting solutions throughout western Canada including BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.    This new partnership will provide cost-efficient, durable airfield lighting that can be easily installed in a few hours and includes multiple power and wireless radio control options.
June 27, 2013

New M550 Marine Lantern Smaller, Higher Efficiency

Carmanah Technologies announces the launch of the new M550 one to three nautical mile marine lantern and private aid-to-navigation (PATON). At fifteen times brighter and half the weight and size of its popular M502 predecessor, the M550 is the most efficient, small format, solar-powered marine lantern on the market. Read full press release.
June 18, 2013

Carmanah Solar Powered LED Light: The Ultimate Test

The 650 Solar Powered LED Light has been designed to withstand some of the world’s most challenging environments. Here Carmanah engineers put it to the ultimate test.   Click here to watch the video!  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .