August 10, 2009

Solar LEDs power up Carmanah sales

Carmanah Technologies Corp. has lit up the parking lot at NASA and now aims to light up streets all over the world with its foray into solar-powered LED street lighting. And with billions of street lights scattered all over the globe and government infrastructure stimulus expected to come through, early signs of wider sales are positive. Ted Lattimore, Carmanah chief executive, said the company's strategic sales jumped 20% in the second quarter from a year earlier, largely the result of the introduction of its EverGEN outdoor lighting, a product that attracted the attention of NASA. "We've never seen anything like that before," Mr.
July 27, 2009

Clean power for the Galapagos

In order to protect its sensitive ecosystem, the Galapagos Islands will be discontinuing power generation from fossil fuels by 2015. Wind power will then cover a large part of this demand. The first wind farm has already been set up. As one of the world's most unique and ecologically sensitive regions, the Galapagos Islands is a natural choice for green energy technology.
July 16, 2009

Carmanah signs agreement with frog

U.S. firm will design next-generation solar light products
July 09, 2009

Implementing Solar Technology to Improve Safety at Mine Sites

From Australia to Asia to America, one controversial factor remains constant with respect to mine sites around the world: safety. In an environment where heavy equipment, explosives, chemicals and industrial hazards are encountered daily, worker safety can be compromised. Effective illumination and marking of hazards and obstructions can help minimize injuries and fatalities among those who work in these areas.
June 25, 2009

The Sun Also Rises

Green tech makes a move into the top corporate ranks
June 22, 2009

Discover the Next Great Green Investment

"I'm trying to find companies that are either developing new technologies that facilitate more sustainable behaviour or playing an active role in deploying those solutions within an industry," says Ms. Elford, a CFA who worked in investment banking in Vancouver and New York before switching to research 13 years ago... Carmanah Technologies, CMH-T a 13-year-old Victoria-based company develops self-contained solar LED and power systems for industrial and commercial applications - think marine beacons and runway lights.
June 13, 2009

Tomorrows LEaDers in Canada

Canada is becoming a hotbed for LED educational activities, reports Brian Owen
June 11, 2009

Comprehensive Approach Needed for Success

GLOBE-Net (June 11, 2009) - How does a company in a small city become a global player in the high-tech industry? It's not easy; and it doesn't happen overnight. It takes holistic strategic thinking and a worldwide vision - two things that have been at the core of Carmanah Technologies Corporation since its founding in 1996. Carmanah Technologies is currently the largest supplier of solar power systems and solar-LED lighting in Canada.
June 05, 2009

Solar area lighting: a bright idea for illuminating ports

Port authorities are continually faced with the challenge of balancing environmentally sustainable, economically viable, and socially responsible operations. As environmental protection moves to the forefront of concerns in today's world, the need to incorporate renewable energy alternatives into daily operations becomes ever more imperative.
June 01, 2009

Carmanah CEO sees brighter times for solar demand

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The recession will end, the chief executive of Canadian solar equipment maker Carmanah Technologies Corp likes to say, and the bright light at the end of the tunnel is solar powered. But the timing of that recovery remains murky, and customers are delaying orders for the solar lights, solar power and solar grid-tie systems Carmanah makes for industrial use. "Customers are being very cautious, so nobody has canceled any orders and they have not told us they won't be ordering," CEO Ted Lattimore said in an interview. "As they get their own financial gardens in a row...they're being very careful with when they actually make a purchase.