Additional Solar LED Taxiway Edge Lights Ordered by US Air Force

The US Air Force has ordered an additional 100 solar LED taxiway edge lights for installation at Balad Air Base, Iraq. The total number of Carmanah avation lights currently installed at this base now exceeds 1600 units.

The Balad Air Base is currently operated by the US Army and US Air Force for fixed wing and rotary aircraft and is one of 8 military air bases incorporating a complete Carmanah Portable Solar Airfield Lighting System (PSALS).

Carmanah’s solar LED airfield lights have saved the US military millions of dollars in the upfront capital costs, installation costs and operating costs typically associated with generator or hardwired systems. The Company has lights installed at more than 75 different military air bases worldwide. For more information, contact Allister Wilmott, Business Development Manager for Carmanah’s Aviation Lighting Division.