Anti-Terrorism Weapon: Solar-Powered Lighting

Equipment News: The U.S. Navy has a new anti-terroism tool: Solar-powered lighting. A subsidiary of Canada’s Carmanah Technologies is supplying Model 601 solar powered LED (light emitting diode) lanterns to the Navy for marking anti-terrorism nets.

Carmanah’s marine lanterns will be used on a floating barrier to protect ships while in port. Since the terrorist attack on the USS Cole last year in Yemen, American military ships have sought protection using anti-terrorism nets.

“The demand for our products has become much more urgent since September 11th and the outbreak of war on terrorism” says Art Aylesworth, Carmanah’s CEO. The idea of floating barriers to protect ships in port was first looked at 10 years ago but was only acted on after the attack on the USS Cole last year.

Carmanah’s Model 601 LED lantern is a 1-2 nautical mile navigational lights. Completely self-contained and maintenance-free, this product provides up to 5 years of worry-free operation without battery or bulb replacement or any other type of servicing. The Model 601 is self-cleaning and completely waterproof. It is also housed within an extremely durable polycarbonate/polymer housing.