Baghdad International Airport Installs Carmanah Aviation Lights

Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) has recently ordered 210 units of the Carmanah Model 601 for taxiway edge lighting and obstruction lighting for permanent installation at Iraq’s primary International airport. As Carmanah’s technology is solar-powered, the company can provide this additional lighting without tapping into the airport’s existing power infrastructure. Both civil and military aircraft operations for the US Air Force and US Army will benefit from Carmanah’s solar LED upgrade, designed for more than 5 years of high performance, maintenance-free operation.

Carmanah has now supplied more than 6,000 units of its airfield lighting technology throughout the Middle East, Southeast Asia, North America and other parts of the world for military and civilian applications. Applications have included runway edge lighting, threshold lighting, taxiway edge lighting, obstruction lighting, helipad lighting, barricade lighting and emergency lighting. Baghdad International Airport ranks among one of Carmanah’s most prominent civilian airport installations along with Chicago O’Hare, Auckland International, Toronto International and Dubrovnik International.

Carmanah is proud that its technology is playing a role in the reconstruction effort for civilian and military aviation lighting throughout the city of Baghdad. For more information, please contact Allister Wilmott, the Business Development Manager for Carmanah’s Aviation Division.