Camp Doha in Kuwait Orders Carmanah Helipad Edge Lighting

Carmanah has recently received an order from the US Army to supply 16 units of its solar-powered LED aviation lights to mark helipad perimeters at Camp Doha in Kuwait.

Solar-powered LED helipad lights are an excellent solution for Camp Doha, which has an abundance of sun but lacks the infrastructure for reliable electricity. Solar power eliminates the need for grid-based or generator-based power, making Carmanah’s lights a reliable and cost-effective helipad lighting solution. This is another in a growing number of orders that Carmanah has recently received for lighting commercial, private and defense helipads.

Camp Doha, originally a large warehouse complex located north of Kuwait City, has been a major US base since the early 1990s. The US Army currently uses Camp Doha for training, storage and relief exercises.