Canadian CEOs want governments to invest in clean-tech innovation

Not surprisingly, it is the executives in the clean-tech sector who see the feasibility of a complete shift to renewables by 2050.

“I firmly believe it is possible, and I don’t think I am a lunatic-fringe kind of person,” said John Simmons, chief executive officer of Victoria, B.C.-based solar lighting firm Carmanah Technologies Corp. “I can’t imagine why other clear-thinkers can’t see it as being possible.”

Mr. Simmons noted that the cost of solar panels is dropping just as the efficiency of sunlight-to-electricity conversion technology is improving. “The technology works, it is getting better, and all the cost curves are heading in the right direction,” he said.

At the same time, he noted, executives are being pushed by the millennial generation to take into account environmental and social issues while striving to be profitable – thus increasing the momentum toward a clean-tech revolution.

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