Carmanah Gets UK Solar-Power Contract

Carmanah Technologies Corporation has won a contract from UK’s Trueform Engineering Ltd to supply some 1,200 solar LED-illuminated bus stops across the City of London. The deal follows a successful field trial of 75 solar bus stops in central London, Kingston and Richmond areas during 2004. The total value of the contract for the Vancouver-based company exceeds $1.5 million.

Carmanah CEO, Art Aylesworth says he’s proud the company has been selected as Trueform’s technology partner in the project. “Due to the high profi le of this project and the diffi cult solar environment in London, the technology development and selection process was the most rigorous that Carmanah has ever experienced. It took nearly four years to complete.”

The company has been involved with the London solar bus stop initiative since autumn 2001 when it delivered the first prototypes and a subsequent series of successful field trials.

“We are excited to be involved in this visionary project initiated by a world-class city such as London,” said Mr Aylesworth. “We look forward to the installation of the first 1,200 units in the months ahead and ensuring this is a showcase project for the City of London and Carmanah’s solar LED technology.”

Carmanah established its UK-based office to take advantage of potential renewable energy applications in the growing European market. With more than 250,000 installations in 110 countries, Carmanah is a leading integrator of renewable and energy-effi cient technologies. The company says that worldwide it is proving there are ‘socially-responsible and economically-viable alternatives’ available for its customers.