Carmanah “Lights Up” Post-9/11 Barricade at Chicago O’Hare International Airport

Carmanah’s solar-powered LED aviation lights are now installed at the Chicago O’Hare International Airport. 30 units of the Model 601 solar-powered LED light are marking a massive rolling barricade that has been designed in response to post 9/11 security measures. The 601 was selected to combat continuous and increasing battery replacement costs at the maintenance facility. Carmanah aviation lights save costs in the form of reduced installation labor, zero maintenance and unlimited free power.

The Federal Aviation Administration will be focusing on Carmanah’s aviation lights in the upcoming release of the FAA 2003 Airport Construction Safety Newsletter, due out in late April. Carmanah aviation lights are acceptable for barricade use at commercial airports under FAA advisory circular 150/5370-2E.

Carmanah has also installed units of its Model 301 for roadway marking applications at the international terminal.

For more information on Carmanah and its upcoming projects, please contact Allister Wilmott, Business Development Manager for the Aviation Division.