Carmanah “Lights Up” the River Danube with LED Marine Beacons

November 2, 2004
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Carmanah has recently fulfilled an order for 108 marine lights to be installed along the River Danube running through Serbia and Montenegro in Eastern Europe. These units will be used on river banks and on buoys as aids-to-navigation for river vessels. After successful installation on the River Danube, there are further opportunities for marine lighting in surrounding countries, as well as on other rivers in Serbia such as the Sava and Tisa, and even along the Adriatic coast.

Current illuminated aids-to-navigation along the riverways in Serbia and Montenegro have been in operation for approximately 40 years. These lights are powered by various sources, such as gas or batteries, and their ongoing maintenance and recharging require great effort and funding. Besides their power sources, many of the other system components are also deteriorating and becoming expensive to maintain. As an example, the light bulbs utilized in many of the lights consist of 11 pieces supplied by 4 different suppliers.

Prior to the implementation of Carmanah’s self-contained solar/LED marine lights, there were numerous efforts locally to upgrade the Denube’s aging lighting infrastructure, including installing LED-based lighting fixtures, external solar modules, gen-sets etc. However, a final decision was made to utilize the modern, comprehensive solutions offered commercially by Carmanah. Additional reasons for choosing Carmanah’s products were the energy efficiency, high performance and well-proven reliability. There was also an environmental aspect to the decision.

For more information about this unique application for Carmanah solar-powered LED lights, contact Mimi Drabit, Business Development Manager for Carmanah’s Marine Lighting Division at 1-877-722-8877 or via e-mail at

Carmanah would like to thank Mr. Ljubisa Mihajlovic of Plovput Beograd for his assistance with this story. For more about the company, visit