Carmanah Solar Marine Lights Installed by Colombian Navy

Carmanah is pleased to report that the Colombian Navy, through the Colombian Maritime Authority (DIMAR), has recently acquired 36 Carmanah Model 701 marine lights. These units will be installed in the Channel of Buenaventura, the waterway used by traffic entering into the Port of Buenaventura and considered the most important port on the Pacific Coast of Colombia.

This order represents the beginning of an ambitious project to modernize all aids-to-navigation lights on Colombia’s waterways that are under DIMAR’s jurisdiction. Carmanah’s solar-powered LED technology was selected after a careful and thorough evaluation program carried out by this maritime authority. The primary factors (benefits) considered for the Colombian Navy were reduced operational and maintenance costs, light performance and overall reliability when compared to other technologies available.

For more information about this unique application for Carmanah solar-powered LED lights, contact Mimi Drabit, Business Development Manager for Carmanah’s Marine Lighting Division at 1-877-722-8877 or via e-mail at

Carmanah would like to thank Mr. Germán Bocanegra of Hansacol Trading Ltda. in Colombia, for his assistance with this story.