Carmanah Sponsors Reception for IALA Workshop in Victoria, BC

From November 3 to 5, 2004, the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) held a workshop in our hometown of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Although the workshop was focused on long range vehicle tracking systems, Carmanah was proud to sponsor the reception for the event and showcase our Canadian hospitality.

“This event was a great opportunity for our company to meet other international members of the IALA organization,” states Ms. Mimi Drabit, Manager of Carmanah’s Marine Lighting Division. “Many of the attendees were colleagues of the marine lighting specialists we work with on an ongoing basis.”

At the closing of the workshop, Carmanah was surprised and honoured to receive a plaque of recognition from Mr. Torston Kruuse, Secretary General of IALA.

For more information about IALA, visit: You can also contact Mimi Drabit, Business Development Manager for Carmanah’s Marine Lighting Division at 1-877-722-8877 or via e-mail at