County Transit Agency Lighting Up Bus Stops

To increase safety and make it easier to flag down bus drivers at night, solar-powered lights are being installed at bus stops throughout the county.

In October, more than 300 were installed, and 45 more are being put in this month.

And Jan. 23, the Orange County Transportation Authority board will consider adding 365 more, for $225,000.

Many of the lights already installed are on the OCTA’s four Night Owl routes, which run around the clock. Most other lines stop service at about 11 p.m.

In addition to the Night Owl routes, the lights are being placed at bus stops that are not well-lighted.

The lighting units have two buttons. Customers press one to light up the area, and push the other to activate a blinking light so bus drivers are alerted that passengers are waiting. There are notices in Braille so that visually impaired riders can tell the buttons apart.

There are about 6,500 OCTA bus stops in the county.

Note that the solar-powered lights referenced were supplied by Carmanah Technologies Corporation