Kelowna named as a finalist for LiveSmart BC Green Cities Award

The City of Kelowna placed second in this year’s provincial LiveSmart BC Green Cities Award for the over 100,000 population category and has been awarded $20,000 to further develop solar initiatives in an effort to conserve and promote clean energy through the province’s SolarBC program.

“Kelowna has been environmentally conscious for years, making strides in a number of innovative programs and investment in sustainable technologies,” said Mayor Sharon Shepherd. “We are very proud to be recognized once again as a finalist in this competitive category and to be granted support in the City’s solar program.”

Kelowna continues to undertake new initiatives ensuring its commitment to sustainability for the health and wealth of future generations. The application highlighted numerous initiatives including:

– The City’s Energy Management Plan to meet its commitment to the Climate Action Charter and reduce greenhouse gases by 20% by 2011 at all City facilities

– The installation of 100 Carmanah EverGEN solar-powered area lights

– Research and implementation of latest technologies to improve the health and longevity of urban trees

– Recognition of the Official Community Plan’s Urban Centre Policy through the largest increase in residential development in the City Centre in 2007

– The City’s ambitious goal to further reduce water consumption an additional 15% by 2012

– KickStart Active Workplace and Free Family Fun Nights programs which meet the provincial Active Communities Challenge

The City of Kelowna was one of 18 finalists chosen for demonstrating leadership and innovation in sustainability. Kelowna placed second to Surrey in the over 100,000 population category.

The Green City Awards are a result of Premier Gordon Campbell’s challenge to local governments to increase urban densities, reduce building costs and create positive environmental and health outcomes. The awards provide substantial funds to communities who achieve integrated community design and management that encourages physical activity, energy conservation and environmental benefits.

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