Minister of Natural Resources Attends Solar Energy Manufacturing Plant in Victoria, BC

VICTORIA: Saanich-Gulf Islands MP and Minister of Natural Resources Gary Lunn will be the featured guest of Carmanah Technologies at the opening of Carmanah Technologies’ new 30,000 square foot Manufacturing Plant.

Joining Saanich Mayor Frank Leonard and Carmanah CEO Art Aylesworth, Minister Lunn will officially open the new plant with a ceremonial “flick of the switch,” and provide greetings from the Government of Canada.

“This is big news for Greater Victoria,” said Minister Lunn, “Each time one of these businesses chooses Victoria, it means jobs for local workers. It also means money flowing into our local economy.”

The Minister also highlighted the key role that alternative fuel sources play in fulfilling Canada’s long term energy needs.

“Traditional fuel sources such as oil and natural gas will continue to be a key provider of our energy needs for many years to come,” said the Minister, “However, we must continue to seek out alternative energy sources. We are proud to have a leading edge company like Carmanah Technologies adding to their presence in Greater Victoria.”

Carmanah is internationally known as a manufacturer and distributor of solar-powered LED lighting and solar power systems and equipment. They have 225 employees worldwide, 150 of which are based in Victoria.

In 2005, the Department of International Trade named Carmanah 2005 Canadian Exporter of the Year.


For further information:

Hon. Gary Lunn, PC MP

Minister of Natural Resources

Saanich-Gulf Islands

Phone: (250) 656-2320
