Solar-Powered Illuminated Transit Stop Launched

Canada’s Carmanah Technologies Corporation released a new solar-powered lighting product for the multibillion-dollar worldwide transit market at the Canadian Urban Transit Association’s (CUTA) annual conference, June 8-12.

The solar-powered, illuminated transit stop incorporates self-contained, maintenance-free timetable illumination and a bus-signalling beacon.

Using this system, passengers waiting at night simply push a button to activate a flashing beacon to notify bus drivers that a stop is requested.

The solar transit stop uses high-intensity LEDs (light-emitting diodes) to internally illuminate bus schedule information.

The timetable unit is durable, vandal-resistant and self-contained. Built to ISO 9001 standards, it runs for three to five years maintenance-free with zero operating costs, getting its power from the sun even on cloudy days.

With no digging, wiring, or electrical connections required, the timetable and beacon can be installed on any bus stop signpost in minutes.

Pre-orders for trial quantities have already been received from transit agencies in Texas and Oregon.

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