Carmanah Awarded Standing Offer Contract With Canadian Coast Guard for Solar-Powered LED Marine Lighting

June 30, 2005
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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada – June 30, 2005 – Carmanah Technologies Corporation (TSX Venture: CMH) is pleased to announce that the Company has been awarded a Standing Offer Contract with the Canadian Coast Guard for the purchase of the Company’s self-contained, solar LED marine lanterns and corresponding spare parts.

The total value of the Standing Offer is $875,000, and it is valid from June 10, 2005 to September 30, 2007, with a possible extension to September 30, 2008. During this period, authorized representatives of the Canadian Coast Guard are permitted to place call-up orders of up to $40,000 against the contract, including applicable taxes. Under its terms, Carmanah solar-powered LED marine lights may be purchased for use on fixed and floating aids-to-navigation applications requiring 3 nautical miles of visibility.

This Standing Offer Contract follows a previous supply agreement that was awarded to Carmanah in May of 2002.

“The Canadian Coast Guard was one of Carmanah’s first customers when we invented self-contained, solar LED marine lighting back in 1996,” states Carmanah’s CEO, Art Aylesworth. “It is a testament to our continuing commitment to innovation and technology leadership, that the Canadian Coast Guard has once again selected our marine lighting to play a vital role in the ongoing modernization of the Canadian aids-to-navigation system.”

The Canadian Coast Guard’s Marine Aids Modernization (MAM) Project began in 1996/97. Its purpose was to reduce maintenance expenditures on Canada’s Aids-to-Navigation system through the use of better quality equipment and modern technologies. Specific objectives were to:

  1. Convert larger solarized traditional buoys to smaller buoys where maintenance of the buoys could be performed regionally by private contractors at a lower cost.
  2. Increase the maintenance intervals on larger buoys by replacing traditional solarized incandescent lighting with self-contained, solar LED lighting.
  3. Ensure that the Canadian Coast Guard maintains its international commitment to keep its marine lights functioning 99% of the time.

Without compromising boater safety in any way, the impact of the MAM Project has been dramatic. In the Maritimes alone, the Canadian Coast Guard has been able to contract out the ongoing maintenance of 3400 smaller buoys, leaving only 400 large buoys to be serviced by its fleet. Vessel support required for buoy maintenance in this region has been cut from 1500 annual vessel days in 1994/1995 to less than 200 annual vessel days by the end of 2004. The Canadian Coast Guard estimates it has saved more than $31M in fully allocated costs through implementation of the MAM Project and the use of modern LED lighting technologies in the Maritimes – including more than 4000 of Carmanah’s self-contained, solar LED lights.

For more information, about Carmanah’s solar-powered LED marine lights and other unique solar-powered LED lighting solutions for the marine industry, visit or contact:

Mimi Drabit or Simon Proctor
#4 – 203 Harbour Road

Victoria, BC, Canada V9A 3S2

Toll-Free: 1-877-722-8877

Phone: (250) 380-0052

Fax: (250) 389-0040