EarthToys Interview – Solar-Powered LED Lighting

Would you say this a good time for solar-powered LED general lighting?

Definitely! And there are many reasons why the time is right. For example, increasing energy costs are motivating people to consider new lighting technologies, but perhaps even more significant is the convenience of installing a stand-alone off-grid lighting application. When compared to the costs of installing, running and maintaining a traditional AC powered light, a solar-powered area light can be a very cost-effective alternative, especially for remote locations, or anywhere that would require a lot of trenching, cabling and wiring to access utility power.

Thanks to recent advances in LED technology, we can now tackle lighting applications with solar power that were not possible even a year or two ago. Also, there’s a green shift within many lighting markets that’s characterized by a desire for more sustainable solutions; solar-powered LED lighting is a practical and instantly recognizable green lighting alternative for a wide range of outdoor lighting applications.

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