Tag: Funding

RRFBs: Thriving Through Regulatory Challenges to MUTCD Inclusion
RRFB has faced numerous challenges but has emerged stronger than ever This article explores the journey of rectangular rapid flashing beacon, or RRFB, highlighting their origins, the impact of interim approvals, and their current status as officially recognized enhancements in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 11th Edition. Origins R.D. Jones of […]
New grants help states fund speed management initiatives
When it comes to transportation safety improvements, price can often be a deterrent to getting projects approved. Although federal governments in both Canada and the United States have promised dramatic increases to infrastructure spending, states and municipalities continue to struggle to properly fund projects that would benefit their communities. Fortunately, federal dollars aren’t the only […]
Grassroots Groups Receive America Walks Community Change Grants
Equitable change across the country, from New York to Kansas to Oregon America Walks’ Community Change Grant program is a popular initiative started in 2015 that offers $1,500 community stipends to US-based projects supporting healthy, active, engaging spaces for people to live, work, and play. America Walks and other organizations within the Ever Body […]
America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act of 2019 Bill Released
$287 billion authorized over five years for surface transportation programs On July 29, 2019, the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee unveiled the new transportation reauthorization legislation, which will be under EPW Committee consideration on July 30, 2019. A bipartisan bill, it is being released by the four Committee leaders: Senators Barrasso (R-WY), Carper […]
Michigan Safe Routes to School Offers Flexible Funding
Mini grants and major grants offer multiple deadlines for easy application Just like the international Safe Routes to School movement, the Michigan Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program strives to make it safe, convenient, and fun for students to get to school by walking, rolling, or biking. Managed by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) […]
Grants in Washington State for School Zones Available Now
Apply for school zone walk improvement project grants and law enforcement grants for school zones in Washington state The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) offers grants to keep kids safe when traveling to and from school, and a deadline is approaching for one of these funding opportunities. The WTSC offers three types of grants: School […]
Transportation Funding Outside the Box
You missed the deadline. Your project doesn’t qualify. You simply didn’t make the cut. Whatever reason you were unable to get the federal or state grants you applied for this year, there is still ample opportunity to find the transportation funding you need. Rural projects are now well-represented for bigger grants like BUILD, but with […]
FHWA Funding, TAP and Other Grant Sources for Your Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
5 Grant Sources for Your Traffic Safety Project For municipalities, finding funding for larger traffic safety infrastructure projects can be a challenge, especially if resources are already stretched thin. State and federal grants are often an attainable source of funding. While some are competitive and have many requirements to meet, others may be easier in […]
Grant Application Process for Traffic Infrastructure
Apply for a Traffic Safety Project Grant in 7 Steps When it comes to infrastructure improvements in the community, the price tag can deter decisionmakers from considering bigger projects. With municipal budgets already stretched thin, there may not be enough to get the job done. State and federal funding can help fill the gaps. Requests […]