Sabik Marine lanterns mark Swiftsure course in Victoria, BC

What a great day at sea! Carmanah’s Sabik division was a bronze sponsor at this year’s Swiftsure International Yacht Race, held May 25–29, 2017, in Carmanah’s home city of Victoria, BC. Organized by the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Swiftsure draws sailors from across the province as well as Washington state, California, Hawaii, and more. This year was the 74th annual event and included 176 boats and crews.

Our M660 lanterns marked the start, the end, and the three turn points on the course. Carmanah’s Jenny Rounis and Jordan Platz got to take in some of the event from HMCS Brandon. They got a tour of the ship and a great view of a helicopter demo by the Canadian Coast Guard. Shout out to CFB Esquimalt for your hospitality.

Learn more about Swiftsure at