Chevron signs positioned behind a guard rail as seen from the perspective of a driver approaching a curve, with trees and sky in the background.
October 05, 2023

Rural Road Safety: Problems and Solutions

Picture yourself driving on a rural road. Maybe you’re winding your way through rolling fields of corn or cattle. Maybe you’re high in the mountains, maneuvering curves like a pro. Maybe you’re cruising through the desert in a pink plastic convertible, singing along to Indigo Girls.  Wherever you are, chances are you feel relaxed—at least […]
October 03, 2023

Carmanah launches new chevron signs with remote connectivity for rural roads

Almost half of all fatal vehicle crashes in the U.S. each year occur on rural roads, despite just 19% of the population living in rural areas. Half of them are roadway departure crashes, incidents in which a vehicle “crosses the edge or centerline, or otherwise leaves the travelled way.” (source) Carmanah’s new chevron signs with […]