ITE, FHWA and Carmanah Work Together to Reinstate RRFBs

ITE, FHWA, and Carmanah Rally to Keep Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons in Our Safety Toolbox

May 2018 ITE Journal

Given that RRFB devices are proven to save lives at pedestrian crossings on uncontrolled approaches, with hundreds if not thousands of these devices not yet installed but part of active construction projects, ITE members had considerable interest and concern. ITE leadership immediately began working to address the issue though engagement with
the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD), discussions at ITE Council meetings, communication with FHWA staff, and discussion by the ITE Board
of Direction.

Read the full story and learn about ITE’s Pedestrian Crossing Safety Working Group and actions taken to ensure this technology was placed into the public domain.

May 2018 ITE Journal cover, showing the headline Making Active Transportation Safe