University students walking past an RRFB device at a crosswalk.

University Campus Crosswalk Gains Pedestrian Safety with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons

Project Summary

Pedestrian safety is imperative at the University of Calgary where every year they experience a higher volume of students, faculty, and motorists. These pedestrians, both day and night, need to cross high-traffic streets to access the interior of the campus. Alberta Traffic Supply, Carmanah Technologies’ authorized distributor for Alberta, was already working with the university when they discovered the need for an effective crosswalk treatment to address cars not stopping for pedestrians.

The Carmanah R920 RRFB was recommended as the ideal solution. RRFBs are a successful and proven device when it comes to motorist yielding at crosswalks. The U of C selected the Carmanah R920 RRFB because of the look and design (it is less bulky and heavy than the competition), the affordability, and the ease of installation. They easily retrofit the R920 onto existing crosswalk posts and it saved them the need to trench, pour cement, or anchor new big, heavy posts. The U of C is extremely pleased with the Carmanah R920 and is planning on installing more systems around the campus.

“This is a safety device that will save lives in the future.”

University students walking past an RRFB device at a crosswalk.

According to Louis Letiecq, the Manager of Parking & Transportation Services at the University of Calgary, the Carmanah R920 “is very, very bright and really alerts drivers. This is a safety device that will save lives in the future. It does the job in alerting the driver to slow down and stop. This is especially important on campus where students are texting, looking at their phones, and listening to music, so having a device that effectively alerts drivers and really protects the pedestrian is key. Carmanah has something really, really big. We are extremely pleased with this product.”

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For more information:
Carmanah Technologies:
Alberta Traffic Supply (now ATS Traffic): 1-800-661-7346 or