New Videos Show Ease of Using Battery-Powered Runway Lights


Two new videos show Carmanah airport lighting maintenance

Safety lighting maintenance at an airport doesn’t have to be a complicated task. Whether there is a battery change or a head kit replacement required, Carmanah airport lighting can be up and running quickly, allowing maintenance crews to turn their attention to other tasks. Our airfield lighting products are built to last for 20 years, averaging seven years maintenance free.

We have two new videos that show how a battery change and a head kit replacement can be completed in less than five minutes in total. Even with a full airport’s worth of lights, it won’t take crews long to complete the job. Both tasks are so fast, your runway can stay operational without interruption. Click below to watch our step-by-step videos on


how to change an airport runway light battery in under 3 minutesLearn how to replace an A704 runway light battery in under 3 minutes

Our high-endurance batteries last for 2,500 cycles. Depending on how frequently you use your lights, your maintenance cycle may or may not include a battery change this year, If it does, then you’ll be able to complete each change in less than 3 minutes.

Learn how to replace an A704 runway light head kit in under 1 minute

Why replace a head kit? The shifting needs at your airport may require that you move these portable lights to a different location with a new application. Or, you might be extending your runway. Whatever the reason, you can easily replace your A704 light’s head kit in less than one minute, using one of the several output color options we sell to ensure compliance for your application.