Category: Airfields
New Videos Show Ease of Using Battery-Powered Runway Lights
Two new videos show Carmanah airport lighting maintenance Safety lighting maintenance at an airport doesn’t have to be a complicated task. Whether there is a battery change or a head kit replacement required, Carmanah airport lighting can be up and running quickly, allowing maintenance crews to turn their attention to other tasks. Our airfield […]Three military bases find Carmanah solutions under extreme conditions
Carmanah’s products stand up in harsh weather to ensure safety without a lot of maintenance, regardless of application. These three military bases put our products to work for both training and full-time purposes. The largest US military base in Afghanistan, Bagram Air Base has been using Carmanah solar airfield products since 2003.New Solar Airfield Lighting System: PALT
Carmanah's Portable Airfield Lighting Trailer is now available to order.