Solar-powered traffic beacon on side of road flashing amber to highlight sign

Carmanah Provides 24-Hour Solar LED Warning Flashers to Florida Department of Transportation

Carmanah’s Solar LED Lighting Group has recently received an order for 48 units of its R247 Series solar-powered LED warning flashers from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). These units are scheduled for installation throughout the Greater Tampa area of the state.

FDOT was seeking a reliable and cost-effective means of enhancing and improving the visibility of warning signs on state roads. Carmanah’s R247 series flashing beacon was selected as the ideal technology for this application and was also a certified product on Florida’s Approved Products List (APL). Carmanah’s R247 is currently the only solar-powered LED warning flasher that is FDOT approved and listed on the APL under certification #67014370427011. Florida represents a large and influential market for traffic control products in the United States. The FDOT’s approval process for Carmanah’s solar LED flashing beacons was rigorous and took approximately 18 months to complete.

With their self-contained and modular design, Carmanah’s R247 solar LED flashing beacons install quickly and can withstand strong winds. Agencies in Florida recognize that there is a reliable solar flasher now available in Florida that is FDOT certified. In addition to FDOT, many cities and counties are ordering Carmanah’s flashing beacons for installation throughout Florida.

About the R247 Series Flashing Beacons

Carmanah’s R247 Series flashing beacons are the most advanced 24- hour solar flashers available on the market. Entirely self-contained, they incorporate industry standard LED traffic signal heads and are compact and light enough for installation on standard signposts. They have also been engineered to operate for up to five years without any scheduled maintenance.

Unlike any other beacon available, Carmanah’s solar LED beacons feature the Company’s core MICROSOURCE® Energy Management System (EMS), an advanced technology that ensures maximum system reliability while minimizing system size requirements. MICROSOURCE® EMS is a patented intelligence that enables Carmanah’s solar LED beacons to automatically adjust to prevailing solar conditions, ensuring continuous, dependable operation year-round under all types of seasonal and local weather conditions. MICROSOURCE® EMS was developed and refined over a period of eight years and is now field-proven in thousands of installations in more than 110 countries.

Carmanah manufactures compact solar LED flashing beacons for crosswalks, school zones, and 24-hour applications, as well as LED-illuminated street-name signs and regulatory signs. With more than 250,000 installations worldwide, Carmanah is a global leader in renewable and energy-efficient technology solutions.

About Carmanah Technologies Corporation

Carmanah is an award-winning manufacturer specializing in energy-efficient technologies. The Company is currently focused on three technology groups: solar-powered LED lighting, solar power systems & equipment and LED-illuminated signage.

Carmanah is headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and has branch offices and/or sales representation in 11 cities across Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.