February 10, 2025

Carmanah Technologies Expands MX Series with SpeedCheck® Connected Radar Speed Signs

Victoria, British Columbia — February 10, 2025 — Carmanah Technologies is excited to unveil the latest addition to its MX Series portfolio, SPEEDCHECK-MX connected radar speed sign. Designed to improve traffic safety while enabling smarter city management, this solution integrates advanced connectivity, user-friendly setup, and premium features—all at an affordable price point. The SPEEDCHECK-MX joins […]
October 03, 2023

Carmanah launches new chevron signs with remote connectivity for rural roads

Almost half of all fatal vehicle crashes in the U.S. each year occur on rural roads, despite just 19% of the population living in rural areas. Half of them are roadway departure crashes, incidents in which a vehicle “crosses the edge or centerline, or otherwise leaves the travelled way.” (source) Carmanah’s new chevron signs with […]
August 23, 2023

Building walkability in a rural community: RRFBs in Esko, Minnesota

Background Esko, MN is a small place. Not a town, not a village, but a “census designated place” that falls within the legal boundaries of Thomson Township, which is itself small: less than 40 square miles and home to about 5,000 people. But what it lacks in size, Esko makes up for in spirit, exemplified […]
July 25, 2023

New crosswalk technology helps Kansas community boost safety and efficiency

The City of Parsons, KS is investing in its future with innovative smart city technology for critical safety assets. On Monday, Public Works, with the assistance of Wichita-based traffic equipment supplier Gades Sales, installed a new solar-powered crosswalk system at the corner of Main St and N 10th, a well-used pedestrian route linking the north and south […]
March 23, 2023

Using the Highway Safety Improvement Program to fund Pedestrian Safety Improvements

The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is one of the largest and most important federal funding sources for transportation projects. Since 2005, the program has funded tens of thousands of road safety projects and has been credited with drastically reducing crash frequency and severity across the country. But contrary to its name, HSIP funds aren’t […]
Setting up SPEEDCHECK-12 with SpeedCheck Manager mobile app
February 08, 2023

PRODUCT UPDATE: All SpeedCheck radar speed signs now include mobile app for local setup and scheduling

In less than a decade, smartphones and tablets have changed pretty much everything. Besides communicating, people now use their mobile devices to order coffee, pay for parking, watch movies, plan vacations, read the news, and much more. And they’re doing it all with… apps. They save time, they’re easy to access, they’re personalized. In so […]
January 05, 2023

Carmanah’s portable radar speed signs approved in Florida

We are excited to announce that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has added Carmanah’s SPEEDCHECK-12 portable radar speed sign to its Approved Product List (APL). This means the system has completed its evaluation and been approved for purchase and use on state projects. Carmanah’s SpeedCheck® radar speed signs are a trusted traffic calming countermeasure, […]
image of pedestrian's feet on a busy sidewalk
November 02, 2022

Transportation Alternatives marks historic increase in pedestrian safety funding

Table of contents What type of funding is the Transportation Alternatives set-aside? How much funding is available? Who can apply? How can the funds be used? Can the funds be transferred? Is there a matching requirement? What about equity? Where can I apply? For more than three decades, the Transportation Alternatives (TA) set-aside has been […]
A man driving a car at night with wrong-way driver approaching - WW400 Florida
October 21, 2022

Carmanah’s WW400 wrong-way systems earn approval in Florida

We are pleased to announce that Carmanah’s AC-powered WW400 Vehicle Detection, Warning and Alert System has completed testing at the Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) test track and can now be found on FDOT’s Approved Product List (APL). It joins a slate of other trusted Carmanah products, including our solar-powered version of the WW400 system, which […]
A digital "YOUR SPEED" radar speed sign with bright LEDs outdoors
September 14, 2022

SPEEDCHECK-12 added to Pennsylvania DOT’s Qualified Products List (QPL)

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has recently added Carmanah’s SPEEDCHECK-12 portable radar speed sign to its Bulletin 15 Qualified Products List (QPL), meaning it is now eligible for use on all state-planned and funded projects. Like other approved/qualified product lists issued by other state DOTs, PennDOT’s QPL provides engineers, consultants, contractors, and other personnel […]