Carmanah has been awarded a contract by Clark County Department of Public Works, Nevada, to supply R247C compact solar LED 24-hour flashing beacons. These beacons will be used at four-way stop various intersections in the county.
This contract with Carmanah was awarded after using solar LED flashing beacons and observing a dramatic reduction in stop sign running. According to the Las Vegas Sun newspaper, “the county Public Works Department set up cameras to record passing traffic, which amounts to more than 23,000 cars a day. Before the warning lights, 204 drivers blew through the stop signs and another 2,312 drivers rolled through the intersection without stopping. After the warning lights, only seven drivers blew the stop signs and only 255 drivers rolled through” (November 22, 2004).
About Carmanah’s R247C Solar LED Flashing Beacons
Carmanah’s R247C flashing beacons are engineered to flash 24 hours per day, 365 days per year for up to five years with no scheduled maintenance. They utilize the company’s field-proven solar LED lighting technology and patented MICROSOURCE® power management. The MICROSOURCE® intelligence enables Carmanah’s products to automatically adjust to prevailing solar conditions to ensure continuous, reliable operation at nearly any location.
R247C flashing beacons are a fast, cost-effective and reliable solution for improving sign visibility and driver compliance at all-way-stop intersections. As they are ultra-compact and completely self-contained, they can be installed in minutes onto standard sign posts with minimal technical expertise.
The R8247C flashing beacons are also the only self-contained, compact solar LED pedestrian crosswalk beacon that use ITE* compliant LED modules and meet all MUTCD** requirements for flashing beacons.
* The International Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) facilitates the application of technology and scientific principles to research, planning, functional design, implementation, operation, policy development and management for any mode of transportation.
** Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is the standard for signs, signals and pavement markings in the USA.