Carmanah's R247C solar flashing beacon on the Sea-to-Sky Highway, BC.

Carmanah’s Solar-Powered Dual LED Flashers Improve Pedestrian Safety in British Columbia Park

Carmanah’s R829 solar-powered dual LED flashing beacons have functioned successfully through the winter in the Cathedral Grove area of MacMillan Provincial Park on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. With significant tree coverage, the continued functioning of Carmanah’s solar beacons attests to the reliability of the R829 to operate in low levels of solar illumination.

The dual LED flashers were installed in the summer of 2006 when considerable traffic caused existing roadside parking to become increasingly congested and dangerous. When plans to build a large parking lot were scuttled, BC Parks elected to install flashing pedestrian lights, overhead lighting, and additional signage to improve safety by alerting motorists of the increased congestion and pedestrian traffic.

Lack of traditional grid power in the old growth forest made a solar-powered system the most appealing and cost-effective solution. Carmanah’s solar LED technology was the chosen solution with its compact design, field-proven reliability, minimal maintenance requirements and cost-effectiveness. In addition, the Model R829 dual LED flashers are programmable, allowing BC Parks to program the hours of operation for times when pedestrian traffic is at its peak.


About R829 Dual LED Flashers

Combining advanced electronics and software with an innovative, patented combination of solar power and LED technology, Carmanah’s Model R829 is the most advanced programmable flashing beacon system available on the market.

Unlike typical time clock systems, the R829 is programmed via an intuitive Windows-based graphical user interface, and activation schedule for up to 500 days is easily uploaded to the R829 units. Programs for multiple beacons can be easily programmed and copied, avoiding repetitive programming of each time clock. The product has been designed to operate reliably year-round under all environmental conditions.

Significant savings are achieved through the installation of an R829 dual LED flasher system, as the unit requires no external power. No trenching, cabling or disruption to traffic flow. Even the process of obtaining power connection permits is avoided.