US Air Force Base Chooses Carmanah High-Intensity Airfield Lighting

The A704-5 is designed to install easily in a wide variety of locations and comes in a variety of designs including red/green split lens and optional olive drab chassis.




Holloman AFB has selected Carmanah A704-H white approach lights and A704-5 red/green threshold lights to illuminate target areas during pilot air-to-ground range training exercises.

The A704-H solar aviation light was selected for its high intensity output (up to 500 cd) and its proven performance and durability in military airfield installations. With its rugged enclosure, and shock- and vibration-proof design, the Carmanah A704-H is an ideal airfield lighting solution for military runways and other applications where lighting will be exposed to debris, harsh climates and other extreme conditions.

Through its host unit, the 49th Wing, Holloman Air Force Base supports global operations with combat-ready Airmen, trains MQ-1 and MQ-9 Remotely Piloted Aircraft crews to be mission-ready for immediate combat action, and trains, equips and certifies F-22 forces to conduct combat operations.  Additionally, the wing delivers Air Transportable Clinics and Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources while providing support to more than 17,000 military and civilian personnel.