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Portland’s New Neighborhood Speed Reduction Program Employs Radar Speed Signs from Local Company

“Your Speed” Signs from IDC Effectively Slow Cars and Automatically Record Traffic Data.

Company Offers Complimentary Program to Neighborhoods Looking to Stop Speeders

PORTLAND, Oregon – A new safety program launched by the city of Portland to help neighborhoods slow speeding traffic, uses the latest radar speed management technology from Information Display Company (IDC). The City of Portland Office of Transportation recently purchased six “smart” speed reader boards (also known as “Your Speed” signs) from Portland-based IDC, which are being used by the city for temporary use in neighborhoods experiencing problems with speeding traffic.

In the last couple of years, budget shortfalls have significantly reduced city-funded traffic calming projects in Portland. The new Neighborhood Speed Reader Board Program was created as a flexible, cost-efficient and highly effective alternative for Portland neighborhoods looking to slow speeding traffic, particularly around schools, playgrounds, and residential streets.

The speed reader boards being used by the city of Portland are supplied by Portland-based Information Display Company, one of the largest designers and manufacturers of traffic calming technology. The signs are designed for temporary mounting on existing utility poles, portable stands or other devices where they detect approaching vehicles and display to passing drivers their actual speed.

“Studies have shown that in the overwhelming majority of cases, speeding drivers do not mean to break the law but rather drive over the limit because they are simply not paying attention to either the posted limit or their actual speed,” said Gary O’Dell, president of Information Display Company. “By displaying the car’s actual speed, speed reader boards remind drivers to check their speedometer and to slow down if necessary.”

Individuals interested in obtaining a speed reader board from the city begin by making a request to Portland’s Traffic Safety and Neighborhood Livability Hot Line at (503) 823-SAFE. Deployment of the signs is determined primarily by speed and crash history of the problem area and by citizen referral. The city currently owns six radar signs, which are being deployed for approximately 2 weeks in each location.

To augment the city’s speed reader board program, Information Display Company launched a complementary program of its own. Through its FastTrack program, IDC loans radar speed signs to qualified groups or organizations on a 30-day trial basis. Once it’s determined that the sign provides effective results, the signs may be purchased at a special “fast track” discount rate.

“In the past couple of years, traffic calming with radar speed signs has moved solidly into broad stream acceptance throughout the traffic safety industry,” said O’Dell. “Not only has the technology been proven effective, but it is also proving to be a great alternative to speed bumps and other old-tech solutions that can impede emergency vehicles, increase traffic noise or add a host of other concerns.”