rural cross road with vehicle-activated intersection warning conflict system stop sign

New radar activated signs and beacons bring drivers’ attention back to the road

Go for a drive just about anywhere and whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re bound to encounter some type of vehicle detection system. At signalized intersections, an inductive loop might detect your car and trigger the light to change. On a highway, a CCTV camera might record your vehicle, sending information back to the TMC about how fast you’re going and what the road conditions are like.

But these are far from the only applications—or the only technologies—that can be used to detect vehicles. Carmanah is pleased to offer a radar kit, which can be added to many of our high-intensity flashing beacons and LED enhanced signs, offering transportation departments an effective, reliable, and resilient vehicle detection solution that can be used to disrupt driver inattention and improve safety on a variety of roadways.

Why radar?

Radar sensors have myriad benefits over other surface mounted or below ground detection technologies. These include:

  • A high degree of accuracy in adverse weather conditions like wind, rain, fog, humidity, and high and low temperatures
  • A long range of detection for applications up to 1,000 feet
  • Reduced installation costs and disruption because trenching is not required
  • Adjustable radar parameters that can be used to capture detection speed, number of vehicles, and more
  • Flexible mounting – detector can be mounted to a variety of poles with standard banding

Where can Carmanah’s radar activated beacon and sign systems be used?

The applications for vehicle detection systems are vast. Here are a few of the ways Carmanah’s radar activated systems can be implemented:

  • Wrong-way driver systems detect wrong-way vehicles, warn drivers of their mistake, and encourage self-correction
  • Intersection conflict warning systems reduce crashes at unsignalized crossings by providing advance warnings to drivers about oncoming cross traffic
  • Curve warning systems increase driver attention, bring attention to speed, and reduce road departures and crashes
  • Hazard warning systems give drivers advance notice of potentially hazardous conditions, like crosswalks, hidden driveways, and more

>>>Learn more about Carmanah’s vehicle detection systems

>>>Download the data sheet