School Zone Safety Application Guide

School Zone Safety Application Guide

This school zone safety application guide illustrates the current industry recommendations for establishing a school zone with signage and more using information from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This guide will help explain: FHWA Guidelines and...
RRFB Crosswalk Application Guide

RRFB Crosswalk Application Guide

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Application Guide   This guide illustrates the current industry recommendations for selecting and installing an RRFB crosswalk using information from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). RRFBs are included in the...
Wrong-Way Driving Research Guide

Wrong-Way Driving Research Guide

Wrong-way driving is a complex roadway issue affecting streets around the world since the advent of automobile-centered transportation networks. However, while it is a difficult problem with no single solution, there are many traditional and emerging countermeasures...
FHWA MUTCD Requirements for Radar Speed Signs

FHWA MUTCD Requirements for Radar Speed Signs

While the latest edition of the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices does not have a section dedicated to radar speed signs specifically, it does contain guidelines relevant to radar signs throughout various chapters. This...
Crosswalk Safety Guide and Toolkit

Crosswalk Safety Guide and Toolkit

With pedestrian crashes on the rise, one of the simplest and most effective things cities can do is add, or improve, crosswalks to achieve safe, walkable streets. Designed for citizens, local groups, and elected officials advocating for safer local roadways, this...