All pedestrian facilities—especially crosswalks—must be able to accommodate everyone, no matter their capability. Formally established as a requirement by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, standards such as the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) detail various design and installation features necessary to meet these mandated accessibility needs. Along with specific state and local guidelines, new and existing installations must conform to these accessibility standards to safely accommodate all pedestrians. Learn more about the considerations for ensuring accessible, ADA-compliant crosswalks.
This map condenses the basic accessibility requirements for a mid-block crosswalk with pedestrian pushbutton from the ADAAG, PROWAG and MUTCD standards, such as:
- Sidewalk width
- Detectable warning dimensions
- Crosswalk line longitudinal length
- Pushbutton height
- And more