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Crosswalk Safety Guide and Toolkit

crosswalk safety guide and toolkit page example where marked crosswalks are beneficial

With pedestrian crashes on the rise, one of the simplest and most effective things cities can do is add, or improve, crosswalks to achieve safe, walkable streets. Designed for citizens, local groups, and elected officials advocating for safer local roadways, this step-by-step guide presents the latest standards and recommendations for unsignalized pedestrian crossings in North America, as well as tips and resources for getting a crosswalk in your community built or improved.


This guide will explore:

  • Key considerations and tips for getting an unsignalized crosswalk built (or improved)
  • Proven safety solutions and enhancements endorsed by the FHWA
  • How to evaluate the options from total project cost to local guidelines
  • Tools and resources that can help you prepare your pitch


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