crosswalk outside AACT high school
June 25, 2024

Nevada high school boosts safety with new RRFB crosswalk

Location: Reno, NevadaProject size: One crosswalk with a R920-E RRFBClient: City of RenoDistributor: Sierra Transportation and Technologies Background Situated on a busy industrial street near the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, the Academy of Arts, Careers and Technology isn’t in a neighborhood most people would characterize as “walkable.” And yet, that’s exactly what many of its 500+ […]
carmanah school zone flashing beacon banner
May 30, 2024

School Zone Safety Application Guide

This school zone safety application guide illustrates the current industry recommendations for establishing a school zone with signage and more using information from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This guide will help explain: FHWA Guidelines and Compliance for School Zones MUTCD 11 requirements Equipment and Scheduling Options Fill out the form below to download:
everett, wa, carmanah rrfb case study image
February 14, 2024

RRFB Crosswalk Application Guide

This guide illustrates the current industry recommendations for selecting and installing an RRFB crosswalk using information from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). RRFBs are included in the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This guide will help explain: Best practices for RRFBs: what road conditions facilitate selecting an RRFB FHWA / […]
September 06, 2023

Understanding accessibility guidelines and standards for pedestrian safety infrastructure

>>>Want to learn about recent changes to accessibility standards in the US? Our partners at Polara have you covered on all things PROWAG ADAAG. PROWAG. MUTCD. It might seem like we’re bashing on our keyboards, but in fact these seemingly random characters represent some of the most important sources when it comes to accessible transportation […]
MX Series installation video featured image, technician programming MX system with MX Field App
May 30, 2023

MX Installation Video: How MX Removes Complexity from the Equation

For over 20 years, cities and agencies have trusted Carmanah to provide them with safe, efficient and sustainable transportation solutions. Our beacon and signs have set the industry standard for high-performance and low-power systems, that are durable and easy to install. Carmanah’s MX Series builds on that foundation to now provide cities with a better […]
Introducing MX video featured image
May 30, 2023

Introducing the MX Series: Setting the Standard for Safety Infrastructure

Cities around the world are growing at an unprecedented rate. New and complex issues are emerging, while at the same time, data and connectivity are opening the door to new and more effective solutions. Enter Carmanah’s new MX Series: the simplest, most affordable way to remotely monitor, control, and gather data from roadway safety infrastructure. […]
Setting up SPEEDCHECK-12 with SpeedCheck Manager mobile app
September 14, 2022

SpeedCheck Manager Software for PCs and Mobile Devices

The SpeedCheck Manager software allows you to quickly connect, adjust the default settings and become operational in minutes. Once you’ve assembled and powered up your sign, you can access its settings in one of two ways: use the SpeedCheck Manager PC software or the mobile app—both use Bluetooth connectivity, allowing them to connect to your […]
Penhold AB Waskasoo and Hawkridge RRFB crosswalk with overhead lighting close-up
April 11, 2022

Appropriate nighttime lighting a key component of pedestrian safety – Penhold, Alberta

Location: Penhold, Alberta Client: Town of Penhold   Background The town of Penhold in rural central Alberta, Canada is growing. Over the past five years, the population has increased by 22.4%, driven by a strong economy and infrastructure aimed at attracting young families. Among them is the Penhold Regional Multiplex. Since opening its doors on […]
March 23, 2022

RRFBs and Overhead Lighting bring increased visibility and safety to Port Hope, Ontario

Location: Port Hope, Ontario Project size: Two crosswalks, each with 2x SC315-G RRFB crosswalk system with overhead lighting Client: Municipality of Port Hope   Watch the video   Background Situated roughly halfway between the metropolises of Toronto and Kingston, the municipality of Port Hope frequently tops lists of Ontario’s charming small towns. And it’s not […]
young boy riding scooter on sidewalk
April 20, 2021

Finding space for micromobility: Guidelines for sidewalk regulations and pedestrian safety

What is micromobility? As city densification rises and roadways increasingly become multimodal, the term micromobility is often ambiguously linked to any light vehicle used for short trips. Further, in the U.S. it’s estimated that the total market for micromobility will grow to represent 8-15 percent of all urban trips under five miles, while reaching an […]