speedcheck speed radar sign flashing slow down message in cedar mills, oregon

Carmanah Acquires Information Display Company

On October 2, 2018, Carmanah Technologies added a new company to its expanding business: Information Display Company (IDC), an industry leader in radar speed signs. IDC will join Carmanah Traffic, which already specializes in traffic safety solutions for transportation professionals.

IDC is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, where it has been in business since 1993. Management control of IDC will be effected by the management of Carmanah’s Traffic division, which is located at Carmanah’s headquarters in Victoria, BC.

Carmanah acquires Information Display Company. Welcome IDC!IDC’s portfolio of radar speed signs fits in well with the flashing beacons and LED enhanced signs that Carmanah Traffic already offers, while also aligning closely with the traffic calming and Vision Zero initiatives that Carmanah supports. The IDC SpeedCheck® products promote safety in school zones, residential areas, or work zones where speeding drivers put others at risk. These radar speed signs display a driver’s current speed using bright LED digits. SpeedCheck products also include MUTCD-compliant “YOUR SPEED” static sign faces to ensure drivers can easily understand the intended message at a glance and slow down in reaction.

“The acquisition of IDC will enhance our Traffic division’s product portfolio and provide a more complete product offering to both our distributors and end customers,” said John Simmons, Carmanah CEO. “This acquisition continues our growth strategy in the Signals market.”


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