kids getting on a bus

Safe Journeys to School Report Spurs Crosswalk Safety Action in St. Albert

Graphic showing School zone flashing beacons and rectangular rapid flashing beacons. Text saying Working together for a safer school

Despite infrastructure and safety measures implemented in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, pedestrian-vehicle incidents still happen here, in the northwest of the Edmonton Capital Region. The city decided to review the problem beyond just the engineering aspect, and this cohesive approach created the Safe Journeys to School project, which reviewed activities, infrastructure, and measures to take a community approach to school route safety.

The action plan for this project, which will be completed over seven years, includes:

  • Retrofitting existing school zone crosswalks
  • Retrofitting existing drop-off zones
  • Retrofitting existing bus bays
  • School zone traffic calming upgrades
  • Signage upgrades

The goal is completion in 2021, and progress in school zones is already underway. The first school of the 27 in St. Albert had its safety upgrades complete in time for school to start this September. Ten should be completed by the end of 2017.

Through distributor ATS Traffic, Carmanah provided multiple products for this project: rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) and school zone flashing beacons. The project also features bright yellow crosswalk paint and speed boards. In a northern location such as St. Albert, safety in all weather conditions is paramount. Carmanah’s efficient solar-powered products with long-lasting batteries keep working through challenging conditions of extreme cold and long winter nights, while the high-intensity LEDs and quick flash pattern ensure visibility.

Watch the video to see the lights in action and learn how this project is positively affecting the community.