MX SeriesTM

Circular Flashing Crosswalk Beacons

Boost crosswalk visibility and driver compliance with ultra-bright, attention-grabbing circular flashing crosswalk lights.
MX SeriesTM

Circular Flashing Crosswalk Beacons

Boost crosswalk visibility and driver compliance with ultra-bright, attention-grabbing circular flashing crosswalk lights.

A staggering 78% of pedestrian deaths in 2020 occurred at non-intersection locations. Sixty percent occurred on non-interstate arterials—wide, fast, car-focused streets that bisect neighborhoods where people not only commute but also live, work, shop, and go to school. 

Safe crossings are key to reducing pedestrian fatalities in these locations, but they require more than signs and paint. The best solution: well-lit, well-situated crosswalks enhanced with pedestrian-activated beacons that flash to notify drivers when pedestrians are entering the roadway. 

Carmanah’s high-intensity circular flashing beacons are an MUTCD compliant solution that cities across North America have used successfully for more than 15 years. Our new MX Series beacons offer agencies an even safer option, with affordable, instant connectivity. 


Problem Solution
Low yielding rates at existing crosswalk. Circular flashing beacons draw attention to crosswalk signage and increase driver compliance.
Low-intensity beacons are hard to see, especially during the day. Circular flashing beacons use high-powered LEDs that command attention at all hours of the day.
Signal techs are dependent on the public to call in downed or non-functioning systems. MX beacons alert them as soon as there’s an issue, so they can get it fixed, ASAP.
Engineers have limited insight into the adoption and/or effectiveness of their systems. MX beacons give them easy access to data that can be used to assess effectiveness and make more informed decisions about future investments.

Additional Resources for Circular Crosswalk Flashing Lights


An Overview of the Most Effective Crosswalk Treatments
Weighing your options for an unsignalized crossing? Here’s a roundup of your treatment options and how they compare.



Build Complete Streets with the Pedestrian Generator Checklist
Looking for a way to identify locations in your city that could benefit from pedestrian-friendly infrastructure? This is a great place to start.



Can Children Walk Around Your Town?

Here are some ways to analyze walkability for children and address the issues you find with effective traffic safety products like beacons and signs.


Data Sheet

Download our R920-MX Data Sheet
Get an overview of the features and benefits of the R920-MX, plus all the tech specs and product options—all in a single, shareable document.



Let’s get started:

Download the data sheet or contact us