wrong-way system flashing at night

Wrong-Way Driving Rapid Facts

Relying on wrong-way drivers to self-correct or on other drivers to report them is dangerous and wastes valuable time. Multiple points of safety lower the risk of a fatal crash. Carmanah’s Wrong-Way Vehicle Detection and Alert Systems offer a complete, configurable, and effective defense against wrong-way driving. Typically installed at or near freeway exit ramps—the primary origin of wrong-way events—these robust and durable systems use advanced radar, camera, and LED technology to accurately detect wrong-way vehicles, warn drivers of their mistake, encourage self-correction, and notify local authorities.

Check out our rapid facts sheet to learn more about wrong-way driving systems. Our rapid fact sheet highlights:

  • Statistics on wrong-way driving
  • Current treatments and experimental countermeasures
  • Effective wrong-way driving systems
  • And more
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