New G Series Traffic Beacon Cabinet Features Video

The new G Series traffic cabinet is designed for demanding projects that need to support high beacon intensity, more activations, third-party devices, and other requirements. Here are some features that make installation and maintenance a breeze and keep your traffic beacons safe and secure over the long term.

Carmanah’s G series products include:

The cabinet is made from aluminum and is tested to a NEMA 3R standard for ingress. It comes with a #2 Pelco police lock, a tamper-proof stainless steel hinge, an integrated drip shield, and ventilation louvers.

The back of the cabinet has a 1 ¼” trade size pipe nipple for simple cable feeding to the pole. Its two stainless steel mounting brackets allow the cabinet to be mounted on 4” and 4 ½” nominal OD poles using standard U-Bolts and banding. The cabinet can also be mounted on 6” square wood posts using square U-Bolts. After installation, the mounting brackets can be adjusted for a cleaner, more compact appearance.

The inside of the cabinet has Carmanah’s standard programming instructions label and a neoprene gasket to prevent water ingress. It also includes Carmanah’s On-Board User Interface which keeps beacon configuration simple. All inputs and outputs for beacons, third-party devices, and others are color-coded for easy installation. Finally, threaded studs allow mounting of third-party devices without issue.