A digital "YOUR SPEED" radar speed sign with bright LEDs outdoors

SPEEDCHECK-12 added to Pennsylvania DOT’s Qualified Products List (QPL)

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has recently added Carmanah’s SPEEDCHECK-12 portable radar speed sign to its Bulletin 15 Qualified Products List (QPL), meaning it is now eligible for use on all state-planned and funded projects.

Like other approved/qualified product lists issued by other state DOTs, PennDOT’s QPL provides engineers, consultants, contractors, and other personnel easy access to an index of prequalified products and materials that have been shown to meet department standards. Products submitted for inclusion undergo a rigorous evaluation process, including assessments of performance, durability, risk, and cost.

“The process can take months from start to finish,” says Carmanah Business Development Manager Jesse Fraser. “But the result is that each product is thoroughly vetted by an expert team to ensure quality and value. We’re thrilled that SPEEDCHECK-12 has made it onto their list and look forward to working with our partners in Pennsylvania to improve driver and pedestrian safety there.”

Carmanah’s SpeedCheck® radar speed signs are a trusted traffic calming countermeasure, offering agencies a durable and cost-effective way of reducing speeds in school zones, residential areas, construction zones, and anywhere speeding is a concern. Studies have found that they can reduce speeds by as much as 9 mph.

Our most recent and compact system, SPEEDCHECK-12 is an affordable and flexible system that can be mounted on either a pole or a trailer—a common choice for law enforcement applications. The system also comes with the benefit of a mobile app for iOS® and Android™, enabling quick setup and programming from up to 50 feet away using Bluetooth® wireless connectivity.

SPEEDCHECK-12 joins a legion of first-class transportation products already on PennDOT’s QPL, including many manufactured by Carmanah. Other products that have received approval include our 24-Hour Circular Flashing Beacons, School Zone Flashing Beacons, and SPEEDCHECK-15 radar speed sign.

Find SPEEDCHECK-12 under Section 1103: Traffic Signing and Marking on PennDOT’s QPL and on Carmanah’s website.

>>>Download our radar speed signs application guide

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