15-inch digit radar speed sign for school zones, neighborhood streets, and arterial and rural roadways less than 45 mph

Build a custom SpeedCheck-15 system

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Classic radar speed sign model with 12-inch digits, can be powered by solar, AC or battery-only. 

speedcheck-12 radar speed sign product front view


Classic radar speed sign model features 18-inch digits, essential for roads with higher speed limits.

carmanah speedcheck-18 radar speed sign with 45 digits

SpeedCheck Variable Speed Limit

15- and 18-inch radar-enabled variable speed limit signs to advise drivers of a road’s speed limit as it changes.


Classic radar speed sign model with 12-inch digits, can be powered by solar, AC or battery-only. 

speedcheck-12 radar speed sign product front view


Classic radar speed sign model features 18-inch digits, essential for roads with higher speed limits.

carmanah speedcheck-18 radar speed sign with 45 digits

SpeedCheck Variable Speed Limit

15- and 18-inch radar-enabled variable speed limit signs to advise drivers of a road’s speed limit as it changes.

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