carmanah added to maryland and louisiana department of transportation approved product lists

Carmanah Beacons Join Approved Products Lists in Maryland and Louisiana

carmanah added to maryland and louisiana department of transportation approved product listsTwo Carmanah products were recently included on state Department of Transportation Approved Products Lists (APLs), which list products approved for state-planned or state-funded projects. Written project specifications reflect these approved products.

  • In Maryland, the Department of Transportation and Development approved the Carmanah R920 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB)—an easy-to-install beacon that improves driver yield rates at mid-block crosswalks and other uncontrolled crossings—for their Traffic Operations Approved Products List (TOAPL195).
  • In Louisiana, the DOT approved the R247-G 24-Hour Flashing Beacon, which emits a continuous flash to alert drivers to accompanying signage. The R247-G will be added to the DOT’s Product Evaluation List.

Carmanah products are on about 30 state Approved Products Lists; the process can take time, but the end result is that our products have been vetted and approved by a respected authority to ensure their reliability and durability. Municipalities can feel confident when specifying products from their state list that they are choosing high-quality solutions. Meanwhile, installation and maintenance are streamlined when the same product is used for multiple projects in a region, making APL products an efficient choice for municipal project specifications.

Learn how the R920 RRFB can work for your project

Learn how the R247-G 24-Hour Flashing Beacon can work for your project